Malaysian government announced that it will implement LED street lights nationwide in September 2019

2020-08-03 10:36:28 lebekan 161

Because LED street lamps have lower energy costs and longer service life, they are used in more and more cities. Aberdeen in the UK and Kelowna in Canada recently announced LED street lamp replacement and smart system installation projects. In addition, the Malaysian government also stated that it will convert all street lights across the country into LEDs from September 2019.

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It is reported that the British Aberdeen City Council is implementing a seven-year plan that costs £9 million to replace traditional street lights with LEDs. In addition, the city also installed an intelligent street system, and the control unit will be added to new and existing LED street lights, so as to achieve remote control and monitoring of the lights and improve maintenance efficiency. The City Council is expected to reduce the street’s annual energy cost from £2 million to £1.1 million and improve pedestrian safety.

With the recent completion of the LED street light renovation, Kelowna, Canada is expected to save about 16 million Canadian dollars in the next 15 years. The City Council launched the project in 2017, and more than 10,000 HPS street lights were replaced with LEDs. The cost of the project is C$3.75 million. In addition to energy saving, the new LED street lights can also reduce light pollution.

Asian cities have also been promoting the installation of LED street lights. The Malaysian government announced the implementation of LED street lights nationwide. The government stated that the replacement project will be launched in September 2019 and the current energy cost will be saved by about 50%.