Constant power solar calculations for different cities

2023-05-14 09:45:03 lebekan 19

Our calculators use hourly typical meteorological year (TMY) data from NREL.

Data from TMY is for a 1 year period. The collection of this data is over many years.

What can you use this calculator for?

I created this calculator to measure the power needed for the solar security cameras.

It can also be used for

  • Internet hotspots

  • Traffic management

  • Communication devices

  • Weather stations

  • 40 km and 60 km speed limit zones such as schools and busy roads

Then I wanted to know if I would need a different system for Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. The answer is yes.

Our calculators use hourly typical meteorological year (TMY) data from NREL.

Data from TMY is for a 1 year period. The collection of this data is over many years.

What can you use this calculator for?

I created this calculator to measure the power needed for the solar security cameras.

It can also be used for

  • Internet hotspots

  • Traffic management

  • Communication devices

  • Weather stations

  • 40 km and 60 km speed limit zones such as schools and busy roads

Then I wanted to know if I would need a different system for Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. The answer is yes.