The current situation and development trend of solar LED street lights

2020-08-25 11:28:26 lebekan 208

Asia Pacific: Unlike traditional street lights, solar LED lights are extremely cost-effective because they do not need to be connected to the national grid. They are very suitable for sunny countries and are ideal for off-grid use. Solar street lights can work normally in remote areas even at night, which will improve the living standards of residents in remote areas. The Asia-Pacific region has the world's largest market share of solar LED street lights, and the Chinese and Indian governments have taken measures to stimulate demand growth. The Indian government is committed to the development of smart cities. The goal is to create at least 100 smart cities by 2030. This factor will encourage 1,000 villages to install solar LED street lights.

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Europe, Middle East and Africa: Europe is the second largest revenue contributor to the global solar street light market in 2018. The market is mainly driven by energy efficiency and renewable energy targets set by the government, which promotes the installation of solar street lights in Europe. Solar street lights account for 40% of the UK's energy consumption. Therefore, the government will combine solar energy and LED lights to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and save energy costs. There is plenty of sunshine in southern Europe and the Middle East, and off-grid systems can be used. The potential market for solar street lights in Africa has grown tremendously, but many regions in Africa still rely on traditional lighting. The Egyptian government is promoting the installation of solar street lights to reduce the load on the grid. Some cities in the region have installed solar street light systems, which greatly improved the social and economic conditions of citizens.

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Americas: The United States and Brazil have the largest demand for solar street lights. The US government has vigorously promoted the energy-saving industry. The cost of LED and solar panels has been reduced, and the performance has been improved, which has promoted the use of solar street lights in the United States. EnGoPlanet, located in New York, cooperated with Las Vegas to install solar street lights to change traditional energy sources and develop sustainable and renewable energy sources. The United States occupies a dominant position in the solar street lighting market in North America, and Brazil is a dominant position in the solar street lighting market in South America. Brazil has invested heavily in LED street lights since 2013. Brazil's R20Hub is a leading large-scale LED street light project. Its goal is to cover 1.5 million solar street lights in 13 cities in Brazil to relieve the pressure on the national grid.

For more information about solar LED street lights, please pay attention to Lebekan solar LED street lights will give you more market guidance and lighting project solutions.